MA International Dramaturgy

In the wake of worldwide lockdowns and the closures of theaters all over the world, the Online Theater Company seeks to keep the art of theater alive through the magic of the internet. New plays are being submitted and performed by those who want their work to be seen. Online Theater Company is a necessity for those of us who depend on theater.

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OTC and The Tank Present: Long Pig Kitchen

Premiering on CyberTank January 13, 2021. Tickets available here.



My work in Cape Town was not like anything I could have expected. All I knew was that there was a production of Antigone by Sophocles and that I wanted to be a part of it. The work that unfolded was some of the most challenging and rewarding theatre I have ever been a part of. While a lot of the time I was sitting in on rehearsals or in the library researching, the work I took away was this podcast, which I created, hosted, and produced myself in anticipation for Antigone (not quite/quiet). All episodes are available.

The Chorus of Antigone: not quite/quiet

The Chorus of Antigone: not quite/quiet


Here you will find links to various research I conducted while studying at UvA
