MA International Dramaturgy


Dramaturgy is narrative and all its elements

Playwright Testimonials

Paige Goodwin: “Emma gave me devastatingly good feedback.”

Donna Latham: “In working with Emma, I felt supported, challenged, and totally free to experiment.”

Lynda Crawford: “She was very easy to talk with and immensely supportive of the play.”

Moments in Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, South Africa

Moments in Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, South Africa


Emma Bilderback

I am a graduate from the Universiteit van Amsterdam as a major in International Dramaturgy.

I am currently based in Sarasota, Florida, USA as Asolo Repertory Theater’s Dramaturgy and Casting Apprentice.

My time in the Netherlands was the most formative academic experience for me, and allowed me to broaden my horizons as a theatre-maker in ways I never would have if I had stayed within the United States.

I was also able, during this time, to spend a few months in South Africa for research related to my graduate thesis. South Africa was one of the best times I could have asked for as a theatre researcher, as I learned about things I loved in a whole new light. While there I was able to hone skills related to researching postcolonial narratives, their impact on the arts and on subjugated populations.

I received my Bachelor’s in New York City at Marymount Manhattan College. As such, I have some expertise in musical theatre and American Realism. But my graduate degree solidified my expertise in Greek drama, as well as feminist and queer theatre. Genre fluency is just one of the perks of being a dramaturg.

Dramaturgy is many things, because narrative can be many things. It is the design of information, it also the academic side of the arts. Its core purpose is accessibility and clarity. Making sure your audience knows what you want to say, and making sure your performers can say it with confidence.





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